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Talk:Button mappings

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As of late I have been working with remapping buttons. On mine; left is DPAD_UP and DPAD_DOWN, center "n" is MENU, right is DPAD_CENTER and BACK. VNC gets around the lack of a dpad but isn't portable.

I unmapped HOME because BACK serves as the same and more. The only app(still testing) that isn't happy with "BACK" is com.nookdevs.taskmanager. BACK will not get back to the launcher, you have to kill it to get out. Other apps (com.nookdevs.library)that don't respect it have the left arrow button to get out, making it moot. The only down fall is discussed later with DPAD movement. Also if you have MENU you need BACK to get out.

MENU is mapped to "n" because normal android apps "spill" into the touchscreen when using the menu. This presents issues; it reads as your "selecting" the "spilled" items (had mapped as BACK)

B&N Library doesn't seem to read the "SWIPE" to move the list forward or back. So remapping the left and right buttons broke it. Com.nookdev.library reads the event and works fine after the touchscreen times out.

DPAD movement; I mapped DPAD_UP and DPAD_DOWN to the left. This works for a lot of non-nook apps. To get full movement you at a minimum need to remap 3 buttons. DPAD_DOWN, DPAD_RIGHT and HOME will give you full e-ink navigation. Home causes focus to move to the top left. Initially because I was just touching the upper part of the touch pad (not the "n" area) I took it was a bug. We it my be, just poking at it now one app still reset to the top, others don't. Not very dependable action, but more constant when mapped to HOME. You need 7 functions for complete navigation and function, there is only 5 re mappable buttons. If you had all the apps you want you could lose the MENU button after adjusting all the settings. Also out of the box DPAD_DOWN acts as esc in com.magicandroidapps.betterterm, which allows the use of vi.

As for the touchscreen gestures, looking at the source for the nook from B&N the case select doesn't handle them save tap, tap and hold, and press. file:nook-source-code\bravo_v1.2_linux-2.6.27\drivers\input\touchscreen\synaptics-i2c-rmi.c I don't know the actually code I'm just guessing.

I did try attaching USB input devices, but it was a complete failure. I directly connected mice, keyboard, number pad and a powered HUB all sorts of ways and reboot. None worked or showed signs of life and dmesg didn't report anything.

My one concept would be to have a app that locks the touchscreen as a keyboard and dpad. This app would interact with non-nook app plus force them to live only in the e-ink.--Radar92 19:43, 31 October 2010 (PDT)

one small suggestion: there is modified version of /system/framework/framework-res.apk exists (, that: a) moves all AlertDialogs to touchscreen, b) modifies Menus to fit on the touchscreen. Many apps are using AlertDialogs for settings, messages, etc, so it greatly improves compatibility. --Nomad 12:29, 1 November 2010 (PDT)

Thanks, it did work at first, but then the launcher dump, I reloaded and it dumped again, oh well.

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