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See Rooting new hardware FIRST if you have a nook original with a 1003* serial# or above.

Talk:Rooting B&N revision 1.4 to 1.7 on any hardware

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Hitting a snag...

Hi. I have the eInk Nook and I'm running firmware version 1.7. I am successful in running adb, pulling the init file, and running the shell script. After the connection is killed and I try to reconnect to the Nook, adb is unable to do so. I have to run the browser crash again and start all over. It seems to stop ever time. Is there a work around? Thanks much! :) --Rwking 11:03, 18 October 2011 (PDT)

This is too hard! Can you help me?

Somebody else who understands this stuff should be able to make it easier, and I do hope they help and comment. Neilk 09:51, 27 February 2011 (PST)

I tried the website like 10 times and it didn't work

Be patient! I was about to give up myself. I probably ran it 20-30 times before I got the adb connection. I recommend making a bookmark for the site instead of using the history, it seemed faster. You'll want to first bookmark and then edit the bookmark to - if you try to bookmark the site directly it will crash the webbrowser and not save the bookmark.

I tried this and my nook doesn't work at all! What do I do now?

This has not happened so far and I don't expect it to, but if it does, don't fear--you can always do a restore to stock firmware.

After running ./ratc.bin I can't reconnect my nook. I've tried this several times, but it always gets unavailable to connect after it disconnects. What can I do?

fooo in a nooktalk forum[1] talked about this problem and how to still root your nook. here's my process:
after "./ratc.bin" you may not be able to connect to your nook right away, don't worry; enable adbd again by starting "over" with going to the site that crashes the browser. do NOT reboot the nook. connect again, if you have not already gotten the "/init.rc" file and edited do that now. If you have, connect with this group of commands copy and pasted

adb connect
adb push init.rc /

Yes there is a newline or blank line after the second command. This will make the second command run right after as my nook kept crashing quickly after I connected to it the second time when I had admin (it really was about my sixth or eighth). In this technique you don't see the "#" symbol at all, BUT it will let you push the init.rc to root if you have admin. If you dont have admin it will tell you that access is denied and from there run the commands to run ./ratc.bin again and start from the top of my instructions.

I've got root access. I got the init.rc, but when I try to restart the browser can not. I did a hard reset, but I keep getting an error message every time I try running the browser. Does anyone have any idea?

I add more data: I have tried to launch the browser in airplane mode ... nothing. I have removed the battery .... nothing. I restored the factory settings ... nothing. ... the browser simply does not work. Am I the only one who has this happened?

The same happened to me -qwertyzzz18 I got the same problem! HELP! -xman099

Always, Mine Says Access Denied, When Im Pushing Something... i cant push the init.rc it just access denies --PhoenixSoftware

I don't know why this is happening for some people. The only thing that makes sense is that ratc.bin "didn't take" and thus didn't give you root on the session. Try executing it again? Try whole procedure from scratch? --Pugg Fuggly

I had the same problem. Resolved it by changing the chmod argument in: $ /system/bin/chmod 0777 ./ratc.bin from "0777" to "777".

Push command worked immediately after that, and Nook (1.5 firmware, S/N 1004*) was rooted on reboot. --Demongo 09:49, 26 April 2011 (PDT)

I had the same issue when I wrote the python script. I changed it to 777 and it worked, so I made the same correction to the instructions webpage. Slug Jun 6, 2011

My browser immediately crashes after the initial crash/ratc.bin execution. Any tricks to get around this? --Slaphappy1975

Are you saying when you go back into your web browser, you can't do anything because it crashes? If so, it sounds like your system is more unstable than most are. Maybe try a factory restore, then the procedure again from scratch? --Pugg Fuggly

Feedback on procedure

1st: worked great, just rooted three devices, mine and two of my friends that we brought from the US recently.
some feedback:

  • the browser crash started adb on all devices after max. the 6st time often more quickly. usually after the 2nd or 3rd time the page is reloaded very often (about 10 times) before the browser crashes and then the next try crashes immediately and starts adb - might be complete coincidence though.
  • ratc.bin documentation actually says it will stop adb on the device once finsihed - so i dont think you would ever be able to connect again without the browser crash method to get it back up
  • after ratc the system is indeed very unstable and displays random error messages - dismissing them will still allow to do the browser crash over and over again
  • after the browser crashes on rooted device (2nd crash) and it starts adb i never actually had 2 seconds to run the command. Even using the copy paste free line method above (which I recommend) sometimes was too slow. Then you have to start from scratch again. I never had to do the whole procedure more than twice though.
  • All in all I dont think you need much luck, just patience and at about 45-60 minutes time.

Cheers --millipede

Genius! I sent my old rooted nook in under warranty, and they sent me back a new "unrootable" version. This procedure worked like a charm... maybe 10 minutes in total, and I have a rooted 1.7 nook! That hash symbol is sweet indeed :) --NoahY Ditto - I used this method. It took a while, and my nook crashed the first time. It worked perfectly on my second try. Thanks so much! --Ben Nitkin 11:47, 28 July 2011 (PDT)

Can't seem to connect any more

I went to try and root the 1.7 software today, and at first I was able to connect via ADBD on like the 2nd or 3rd try.

I got as far as running the commands (after pushing and pulling the files), I killed the server on the PC side and tried to re-connect per the instructions.

After trying for over 30 minutes to re-connect, I gave there something I need to do? Should I just turn the Nook off and back on and see what happens??

It's odd that I was able to connect on the 2nd try the first time, but no longer able to connect afterwards.

EDIT: Okay, when trying to re-connect after ADB was killed, I cannot re-connect, it happens every time. I can connect initially, but not after that. ALSO I can not re-start from scratch unless I reboot the Nook after that.

( You're not the only one. I've been working with this for the past couple of weeks. Nook with 1003* serial and 1.7 firmware, basically everything works up to ratc. After ratc exits, I cannot re-connect to adbd, no matter how quickly I try, it's dead. If I go back to the browser hack, it doesn't maintain the escalated privilege--have to run ratc again, which crashes adbd, rinse and repeat ad infinitum. Does anybody have this working with 1.7 and newer hardware? )

Does anybody have this working with 1.7 and newer hardware? Yes. I just did, this is my experience: used adb browser, got in, run ratc, and got out, never got in again, tried 2 reboots (with the browser hack, adb -> ratc) and I had the same results, but then I retried the browser hack, adb, ratc, and went back to the browser hack and at the same time I run a bash (linux script):

adb kill-server
while true 
  adb connect
  adb push init.rc /
  echo wait
  read wait

And pressed enter for every try on the browser hack, which gave me:

* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
unable to connect to
error: device not found

unable to connect to
error: device not found

Repeating "unable to connect / error / wait" ad nauseum. But once I had:

connected to
192 KB/s (14370 bytes in 0.073s)

But disconnected me again, no adb on the nook, looks like adb goes down very quickly, anyway I rebooted the nook, since init.rc is read at every boot, and got:

adb connect nook
connected to
adb shell

# id 
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)

So, as a rule BE PATIENT, it took a lot of tries (not time, I think I've spent 2 hours in total) to have that root shell.

GermanG 07:14, 6 November 2011 (PST)

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