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apdfviewer issues on softrooted 1.5.0

Has anyone faced issues with apdfviewer on softrooted 1.5.0 ? It comes installed in the softroot, but when rendering a pdf file, fails to open (I get options to open any pdf file either through apdfviewer or through "Reader" - apdfview just reverts back to the library, reader works though). Tried unistall and install via adb over usb - it keeps giving "failure" - I am sure about using the right case while giving the adb commands.--Ronjan 22:41, 29 November 2010 (PST)

I dont have 1.5.0 yet, but I saw something that may help. Softroot 2.4.2alpha had an additional library called which is not present in 2.5.1. If you have capabilities and time you might want to try extracting that library from 2.4.2alpha and pushing it on your nook to see if it helps. Before you do that perhaps you can see the log report in logcat, if it does mention that library, it will be more likely that absence of that library is the problem. --Spec 09:01, 30 November 2010 (PST)
Solved pushing missing files to the nook, see updated page aPDFViewer --Aidionidis, 21:00, 01 December 2010 (PST)

Sofroot 2.4.2alpha just had /data/data/com.googlecode.apdfviewer/lib/ and did not have the other one and did not need to put each of those files into 2 places (which is really odd). Are you sure it's required? I'm still not on 2.5.1... --Spec 07:59, 2 December 2010 (PST)

It seems that you are right. The problem is the two missing libs in the folder you said. (For any reason, the folder was just empty, not only was missing). No need to copy to the another folder too. (page updated). --Aidionidis

Aidionidis are you sure you need for this app to work? If you download apdfViewer.apk and unzip it, is already there in lib\armeabi\ inside the apk, so theorhetically you should not need to copy it separately... --Spec 16:50, 5 December 2010 (PST)

When i rooted the nook, the folder /data/data/com.googlecode.apdfviewer/lib was empty. Perhaps if you install the application manually, there is no need to copy But in the default installation the library was missing. Unfortunately, I can't uninstall apdfviewer to check this. --Aidionidis, 17:43, 5 December 2010 (PST)
Can you remove just the .so instead? adb shell rm /data/data/com.googlecode.apdfviewer/lib/ and see if the apdfviewer still works fine? --Spec 20:11, 5 December 2010 (PST)
Had already done that, if you remove just, the app won't start. --Aidionidis, 07:13, 6 December 2010 (PST)
Thank you for confirming. I'll open the ticket with apdfviewer team shortly to get that fixed. --Spec 08:12, 6 December 2010 (PST)

Installation Issues

Has anyone else had a problem installing APDFViewer? When I try to install via Nook Market it fails to install, I also get a failure message when I try to install via adb. Does anyone have a clue why the nook would not allow it to install? --Kyeld 08:39, 10 September 2010 (PDT)


This application throughout nook exists under inconsistent name: sometimes it exists as PDFViewer, sometimes as APDFViewer. It would be great it it was consistent. or perhaps those are 2 different apps? --Spec 09:41, 31 July 2010 (PDT)

I haven't seen this error before. Did you try to uninstall & then install it? long-pressing on the icon will uninstall in nookMarket app. ---Hari 11:52, 11 September 2010 (PDT)

Wow. I feel like I've found an easter egg. So long-pressing on icons in nookmarket uninstalls apps. Is there any other useful info that is not documented anywhere? --Spec 16:26, 11 September 2010 (PDT)
I tried that and it's like a roulette: so long-pressing on icon will: install the app if you dont have it, uninstall the app if you do have it. unfortunately nookmarket doesn't tell you whether you have the app or not (unless there's another easter egg). Would it be possible to move the list of apps to the main screen and place actions (just actions) on the bottom screen - similar to b&n library. That gives the app a lot more screen real estate and makes user interaction easier and more understandable. The top list would show all apps, with ones for which there are upgrades on top, also version available and version installed if any. bottom screen would show the icon for the app on the left and available actions: Upgrade, Install, Reinstall, Uninstall, Refresh, etc. --Spec 16:56, 11 September 2010 (PDT)

I'll try to change the display soon. We have all the space in eink screen and not using it. I started with this because the code was already there. If you don't have an app, the icon will be the default market icon. If you have the app installed, it's the app icon. Longpress is valid only for apps installed. if it's not installed, longpress will behave the same as just pressing the button. --Hari 19:04, 11 September 2010 (PDT)


It would be great if it was selectable which way the landscape was rotating. Right now it is rotating with top of the doc towards right side of the nook, making it uncomfortable to read if you have a nook cover open to the left of the nook. Perhaps some people prefer that, I don't, so it would be great if it was selectable. --Spec 09:47, 31 July 2010 (PDT)

The current version is just a rebuild & GUI changes specific to nook & minor changes to support landscape mode. I'll probably have to spend more time to fix pdf rendering issues & settings. I'll add this to the list of features to be added later. --Hari 13:53, 31 July 2010 (PDT)

In the latest version, you can rotate anti-clockwise by longpressing on the button.--Hari 15:06, 10 August 2010 (PDT)

Cyrillic symbols

Right now, APDFViewer doesn't show Cyrillic symbols, it only shows spaces instead of them. Is this just a fonts issue, or does it lay somewhere deeper in application's source? What fonts does APDFViewer use, actually? --Popoffka 04:14, 1 August 2010 (PDT)

There is a bug & it doesn't load built-in fonts properly. That's being worked on. For cyrillic & CJK, you might have to add the poppler-data files to get them display properly ( after the font issue is fixed). I'm planning to work on this the next few weeks. I'll be updating the app with fixes whenever possible. --Hari 13:28, 1 August 2010 (PDT)

I updated the pdf rendering engine & the cmap data in the latest apk. Try with this one and let me know. --Hari 15:06, 10 August 2010 (PDT) Hari, I installed the latest apdf app and it messed up the rendering of pdf file. I tried Spring framework reference manual. The previous version displays the text properly but the latest version is not displaying it properly and it became cryptic. -Paddy

Problem getting APDFViewer to view text

Hey - I have a new nook with a fresh 2.4.1 softroot install. For some reason APDFViewer can show graphics objects in pdf files but shows either nothing or some random pixels for text areas. I tried removing / reinstalling APDFViewer a few times and a few different pdf files and seem to have the same problem.

Also - the documentation has the wrong name to remove the app. Should be:

 adb uninstall com.googlecode.apdfviewer

Thanks! -3josh

the apk file I added yesterday was the wrong one. I updated it now. Should display most pdf files properly now. --Hari 06:31, 11 August 2010 (PDT)

New release works great! Thanks. -3josh

Side scroll increment

First off thanks for this!

Would you please have the side scroll be incremental rather than page-width breaks? I have an ebook with big margins, and I just want to move the view slightly to the right. Example follows.

View 1 is initial view.
View 2 is after right arrow scroll.

     view 1            view 2
_______________    _______________
|     blah is g|   |ood.          |
|     blah is g|   |reat.         |
|              |   |              |
|              |   |              |
|              |   |              |
|              |   |              |
|              |   |              |
|______________|   |______________|

My vision:
     view 1            view 2
_______________    _______________
|     blah is g|   |blah is good. |
|     blah is g|   |blah is great.|
|              |   |              |
|              |   |              |
|              |   |              |
|              |   |              |
|              |   |              |
|______________|   |______________|

I'm working on additional changes. I'll include this as well. Thanks ---Hari 17:46, 3 September 2010 (PDT)

Similarly, I think it would be nice to have (literally, this is only cosmetic) apdfviewer display the right- and bottom-most portions of a page such that they are aligned with the right-hand and bottom border of the displayed, respectively, indicating the location of the previous break with a thin line (in much the same way Opera does optionally when scrolling in the page to see at a glance where to continue reading). The way things are now, there's often a lot of white space in the right- and bottom-most portions of pages. --Curio 23:49, 12 September 2010 (PDT)

I would like to second a request for side-scrolling, or perhaps request a 4-direction button for moving within a zoomed page. Much of what I read (and wish to primarily read on the Nook in the future) is papers formatted with two columns of text. Some way to facilitate reading first one column, then the next, would be extremely welcome! An added bonus would be the ability to see the document on the LCD panel (to view color figures), but I recognize that this might be difficult to implement. --AnjeTheNerd 11:05, 14 October 2010 (PDT)


I have been wondering whether it wouldn't be rather easy to add auto-cropping capabilities to apdfviewer. To this end, a smaller version of the page could be rendered via the native library to an off-screen bitmap, margins could be determined by probing for non-white pixels (from the borders inwards, first in the middle, then the corners, then everything in between), and the margin percentages determined thus could then be used as offsets when rendering the page for real in order to only show the actual page contents (plus a minimal margin). Opinions?

One issue might be the performance overhead of this if rendering the miniature page takes significant time (pixel-based margin determination should be sufficiently fast if the rendering is sufficiently small). There doesn't happen to be an auto-cropping feature in the underlying native library?

--Curio 23:45, 12 September 2010 (PDT)

I'll check the native lib to see if this functionality is available. I think processing time shouldn't be a problem if the image size is small and it's caching the next page anyway. So, only the initial load might be a bit slow. --Hari 17:15, 13 September 2010 (PDT)

Any news on this? --Ivanzoid 05:09, 7 January 2011 (PST)

Setting as default PDF reader

How to set ADPViewer as default PDF viewing application? Android displays a dialog with checkbox on eInk, but there is no way to click it unless using VNC :( --Nomad 05:07, 14 September 2010 (PDT)

Go to page

First off, thanks for porting this to the nook. It's much better than the standard PDF reader. Are there any plans to add "Go to page" functionality. PDFs that are several hundred pages, aren't really usable with this app because there is no way to quickly navigate. Also, many times when re-opening a PDF it doesn't remember my last read page. It either takes me back to the first page or in some cases always to 4th page -- seems quite odd. --Quinner 14:22, 16 September 2010 (PDT)

You can launch goto page by longpressing on next/prev arrows. I haven't noticed any issues with it remembering last read page. It won't remember the page viewed via the B&N Reader though. When the problem occurs, copy the logcat output & create an issue. I'll try to debug. --Hari 14:55, 16 September 2010 (PDT)

Any chance you are working on adding the ability to follow links in pdf's? Most if not all of the pdf's I read are very large technical documents with linked index pages. --Synx 09:58, 16 November 2010 (PST)

I'm waiting on B&N to release 1.5 before working on this. Since they have a very nice pdf viewer in nookColor, I want to see if any of those features are ported into eink nook as well. --Hari 06:00, 17 November 2010 (PST)

Gamma Setting?

Is there any quick and dirty way of changing the gamma setting for rendering the pdf? The most commonly used font in many of the LaTeX document has thin strokes so it would help if the gamma setting can be changed. (It's fine even if I have to create a config file on the Nook--any way of achieving this would be good for me.) Thanks in advance. --Tom Chan 12:21, 18 May 2011 (PDT)


I thought I'd start a block for people to say thanks for your efforts. I spent a week on vacation with my Nook and most of it was spent reading PDF files. I like the long press of the rotate button to roate the image counter clockwise, it makes it easy to manage the Nook cover. The auto size works well for most documents. The only improvement would be to allow a custom size for a document in addition to the fixed sizes. Thanks again! --Astro 11 October 2010

I have been busy with work lately and didn't find time to work on this. But I'm planning to add auto-cropping suggested here and also a custom zoom size option soon. --Hari 15:51, 14 October 2010 (PDT)

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