Congratulations to Cicadaman & co. for getting Froyo running on the Nook Color! Visit the nook Color portal!
See Rooting new hardware FIRST if you have a nook original with a 1003* serial# or above.

Talk:Application Directory

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The main web site ( is up, but the apps ( is down. I also cannot connect to the IRC channel.

I'm very interested in nook development. When do you think that things will be back up and running so that I can get engaged?


Update: the web server is up, but there isn't anything on it. Does this mean devs need to re-upload?


Utilizing nook buttons

How do you use the page forward/backward buttons on the nook while writing an app? I don't see them in the KeyEvent.class

They are not defined in the KeyEvent class. Look at one of the apps source code for these values and how to use them. I got them by capturing and printing these events.

btw, we have all the source & binaries in google project now - .

What apps are people working on

So what apps are people working on? Is anyone working on making one of the office applications compatible with the nook so we can natively open\read microsoft office files?

Non-nook android apps?

How do we go about listing non-nook specific Android apps on this page? For example, andChat, and IRC client, can be installed with ADB, and runs very nicely on the nook with the one little bug that you have to add about 10 servers to the list before the one you actually want to use to get the server you want down onto the touchscreen. Other than that, configuration and use works wonderfully on the nook without modification. Cmantito 12:06, 20 July 2010 (PDT)

We should definitely have a list of Android apps that run well on the Nook, linked to the app homepage where a nookdev wiki page isn't available

would anyone like to team up with me and get the kindle.apk to run on the nook? If so send me an email at

It runs on the nookColor without any modifications Fake Name 14:32, 2 December 2010 (PST)

Changing icons for ru.launcher and compiling nookMarket

How can I change ru.launcher icons? I don't like how it treats nookMarket, nookCalculator and several other icons, they just stand out in the list. I tried adding 'my icons' folder to internal SD card and putting there .png files, but ru.launcher didn't change any icons at all. I tried opening nookmarket source file in eclipse, but I cannot compile the source file, because of the two errors - Project 'nookMarket' is missing required Java project: 'nookCommon' and 'nookDependency' How can I add those 2 java projects in eclipse so I can compile nookMarket with my own icon? You can edit this section or send me an e-mail:

NookMarket button

I've added a button set in the Ru Launcher discussion page, it has those buttons, but it's a round set. (Sarahsbloke)

Nook Marketplace

I tried to contact developers via email, but I could only find 5 addresses, so I'll repost the email I sent for any other developers here:

My name is Mackenzie Zastrow and I'm contacting you because I believe that you have or have had an application on
The list of applications on is getting pretty long now; it's great to see so many developers programming for the nook. However, it's slowly becoming harder to causally browse through the apps, which is why I think it's time to start development on a nook marketplace much like google's marketplace for android phones, but available via an app for the nook or via the browser.
I've started development on such a website, (don't bother now, it merely points to a directory listing). However, the one crucial step that I skipped early on was developer feedback. So the whole point of this email was to ask one simple question: would you use (and the associated app to go along with it), to list your application?
It would all be free of course, and it would consist of merely entering a description, an icon, package name, the current version of the app, and where the app can be downloaded (or can host it if you'd like). For having the users update, just update the version number and next time users visit the site or use the marketplace app, the user gets notified.
My plan is to support apps only at first, but then expand to nooklets, icon packs, wallpaper packs, and then other forms of "packages" to make the experience easy on the users.
So would you use such a website/app for listing your application? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
-Mackenzie Zastrow
Hi Mackenzie, I think additional indexes and sites highlighting nookdevs and related applications is wonderful. However, we do have nookMarket on the nook :). It wouldn't hurt to have categories and a website frontend though. --Poutine

Please feel free to respond with feedback of any kind.

Nook Security

Hi, does anyone know of any Nook security apps? For example what I want is the ability to lock the device with a passcode to stop users fiddling with the hardware. I am proposing to use Nooks as electronic signboards which can display fixed billboard type information. Possibly even web pages with live information on them. The problem is that I would need to stop unauthorised people tinkering with the settings.


Do you Have to root your nook for these to be available such as games

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