Congratulations to Cicadaman & co. for getting Froyo running on the Nook Color! Visit the nook Color portal!
See Rooting new hardware FIRST if you have a nook original with a 1003* serial# or above. Launcher

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I am having difficulty upgrading from the version packaged with softroot. Perhaps some instructions would help
Update: I was able to upgrade by opening the package in Trook, but not by adb... was I doing something wrong?--phonex98

Is there a way to open the original menu from this launcher? I remember some of the icons were in different order. Also do the B&N icons change dynamically? I remember they changed for me once nook detected that I was within range of B&N store wifi. The icons are nice and all, but I really like original B&N icons so it would be nice to just expand B&N menu. Or better hac original B&N launcher to be able to add own icons --Spec 11:16, 29 July 2010 (PDT)

Oh and it would also be nice to have another icon to switch on and off the ADB (just like wifi). --Spec 11:17, 29 July 2010 (PDT)

When updating from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1, ru.launcher fails to load correctly, resulting in a black home screen and TONS of errors from logcat indicating that there was an error opening items.db. After some investigation, it appears that the launcher is running under the 'system' account (since 2.4.1 has replaced Home.apk), while items.db are installed chmod 660, owned by app_13.app_13 (at least on my nook). Changing the owner to system should allow the app to work both as the replaced home or as a separate app (with Home.apk still intact):

adb shell chown system /data/data/ru.mynook.launcher/databases/items.db

--dwagner 8:54 PM, 29 August 2010 (EST)

Round Button Icon set for RU Launcher

This is a fairly full Button Set for the latest Version of Ru Launcher (ArtWork by SarahsBloke)

Just Unrar and place the "my icons" folder in the root directory of your Nooks internal SDcard

File:Example.jpg buttons.jpg

There is one button "wifi lock" that I can't find the name for anywhere, button in set but not named correctly, any ideas for the name??

File Names

I assume the filenames are based on the class name?--Zastrowm 21:52, 17 August 2010 (PDT)

Afaik, they're based on activity names, if we're talking about icons' filenames. --Popoffka 00:41, 1 September 2010 (PDT)


Do we actually need wallpapers in launcher (the ones on the e-ink screen)? I like having a nice anime girl on my nook, yes, but wouldn't it be much better to replace it with something more useful? A simple calendar, for example. --Popoffka 00:41, 1 September 2010 (PDT)

Launcher font

Any chance of getting the exact font used for the launcher icons? Crazyburd 12:15, 13 September 2010 (PDT)

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