From nookDevs
Has anyone tried...
The 3G sim card in an external AT&T 3G USB, PCMCIA or Express card modem 3G modem for the PC or Mac?
I had an AT&T account and the SIM card could be moved from device to device with no ill effects.
Can the WiFi be switched to AdHOC for sharing the FREE 3G with other PC or Mac ?
Just curious... I would really LOVE TO HAVE FREE 3G FOR LIFE ! ! !
Do not own Nook YET, but SOON ! ! !
Even if this were possible which I believe it wouldn't be as the Sim card is locked by AT&T to access only certain places,
it'd be unwise to use it with your 3GUSB or other 3G Modems because if someone were to find a way around the lock and started
using a B&N 3G card for free wifi AT&T would most likely pull the plug on the free 3G for nooks which would be bad for all users.
- I doubt AT&T would pull the plug on free 3G on all nooks - with all the legal agreements between the 2 that really cannot happen. more likely would be for b&n to pull the plug on abusing user or bill that user for the 3G they used. it's all probably in the usage terms which I'm too lazy too read. --Spec 09:02, 22 June 2010 (PDT)