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Ad-Hoc WiFi

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Got this all from here:

Ad-Hoc WiFi on Android Old Hardware

One thing, I would probably not do this over WiFi ADB. I did it over USB. Also, this is all from memory, so double check all spelling. I could have messed something up.

  1. Start up ADB on nook
  2. Download the attachment ( from the above post here
  3. Unzip it, you will get wpa_supplicant
  4. Use ADB to connect to nook:
    adb shell
  5. Rename your old wpa_supplicant:
    cd /system/bin
    mv wpa_supplicant wpa_supplicant.old
  6. In another terminal, push the new wpa_supplicant to nook:
    adb push wpa_supplicant /system/bin/
  7. Go back to your ADB Shell and chmod the file:
    chmod 755 /system/bin/wpa_supplicant
  8. Exit the ADB shell:
  9. Profit.

Your ad-hoc wireless networks will now show up in the WiFi menu, but with a (*) in front of them:


is what my N900 looks like.

It also doesn't seem to have information on signal strength, so it always gave me 0 bars, but I was able to use it from a few rooms away.

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