From nookDevs
Tried running an existing Android App on the nook?
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Ghost Commander () works if you remap buttons, (up, down, center, back, menu). A bonus is the built in text editor. It has a tool bar at the bottom, "0 exit" is a bit cut off but works.--Radar92 19:56, 7 November 2010 (PST)
apdfviewer - I built the apdfviewer for nook ( android 1.5) and it installs and opens pdf files. Since we have the source code for this, this could be a nice starting point to devlope a pdf viewer with goto page and zoom capability. This already has zoom option, but needs some work. comic books look a lot better in this one.
I tried installing Transdroid (, a torrent client manager. It installed and the program ran. The eink display showed the main display and the touchscreen display showed the expected buttons. The program must have settings configured before it can be used. The settings (i guess) are accessed under the menu button on a droid. AndroidTorrent () also runs on the nook, with no user controls. Is there a way to associate torrent files to open with AndroidTorrent? The nook file browser says no application is associated with the filetype.
- We have to map the file extension to mime type in fileManager. I only did it for html/txt files & other book types as of now. I'll see if this can be made more generic.
Better Terminal Emulator Magic ( seems to work fine as a terminal emulator out of the box.
- in the prefs file located at /data/data/
I tried running Google Listen ( and it loads up fine in the eink screen however there is no way to control the menu - I'm assuming something would have to be modified to put the controls on the lower touchscreen?
I tried to run NewsRob on my Nook. It got installed properly but was not able to proceed beyond login screen. Looks to be the same problem with eink screen as in pandora. Will it be possible to tweak NewsRob or any other Google Reader client to make it to work fine with Nook? Thanks
- For newsrob, add your votes on uservote: The developer uses that to prioritize all the work on the app (bugs, features, etc). Without votes, he won't bother.
user jaybirds2053 add the details below in nookdevs google code FAQ section. I didn't have time to check it out. If anyone is interested, give it a try -
android-apktool Tool for reengineering Android apk files You could use this tool to change apk files to work on the nook.
Here is a sample layout for nook-
I've gotten AndChat running pretty well for IRC, but I had to add a dozen or so 'fake' servers to the server list before adding the ones I wanted, so that they were far enough down the window to be on the touchscreen and thus selectable. Cmantito 18:19, 26 March 2011 (PDT) [afterthought: you can switch between open tabs/channels by swiping left/right on the touchscreen. it's not that obvious, so I'll just mention it ;)]