Congratulations to Cicadaman & co. for getting Froyo running on the Nook Color! Visit the nook Color portal!
See Rooting new hardware FIRST if you have a nook original with a 1003* serial# or above.

NookColor:Building Clockwork Recovery

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This page contains unsupported information and could cause damage if you continue!
Please note that the information on this page is unsupported and we will not be responsible for any damages or failures to your equipment. Please follow with care.

This wiki document is a work-in-progress, intended for a limited audience (for now).

Really, this is not ready for prime time. Don't do it. This is a research project.

This WILL hose your NookColor, it doesn't work and it is worthless for anything but further development

And we're not answering questions yet. Really. Not. We'll let you know.


Building Recovery

Get the source

mkdir -p android/system
cd android/system
repo init -u git:// -b froyo
repo sync

Build the u-boot tool

We need the mkimge to built the recovery u-boot image.

cd bootable/bootloader/u-boot
make distclean
make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- omap3430zoom2_config
make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-

This will error out on the examples (for now), but you should have a mkimage binary in tool\mkimage

cp tools/mkimage ~/bin

Build CWM

lunch full_nookcolor-eng

make recoveryimage

Make uRecRam

With any luck the recovery image was built, now we need to create a u-boot based ramdisk

You will need the tool from Put it in your path somewhere

mkdir tmp
cd tmp ../out/target/product/nookcolor/recovery.img
gunzip recovery.img-ramdisk.gz 
mkimage  -A ARM -O Linux -T RAMDisk -C gzip -n Image -d recovery.img-ramdisk uRecRam

You should now have a uRecRam that can be used to replace your stock recovery.

Installing Recovery

Boot Recovery from SD

Need to test to make sure the system will boot from p1 on the sd card

Boot Recovery from emmc

This is pretty dangerous and if you don't backup your current recovery you could and probably will brick your nook. (Good thing you can usually boot from the SD).

Backup uRecRam and uRecImg on partition 1 on your nook (format if vfat)

Replace uRecRam with the one created above and uRecImg with the kernel of your choice.

Whats broken

  • Input is broken and the menu items will cycle all by themselves
  • Screen will flash back and forth

Because of the two issues above nothing else has been tested.

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