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Revision as of 09:26, 23 December 2010 by Curio (Talk | contribs)
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Author(s) Marco (curio)
Type Miscellaneous
Version 0.7



A simple note-taking application. Manages notes which are made up of individual items. Items can optionally be check-marked to serve as “to do” lists.


Application can be installed via NookMarket or via adb by running:

adb install nookNotes.apk


adb uninstall com.nookdevs.notes

Fetching the notes in your PC

adb pull  /data/data/com.nookdevs.notes/databases/notes.db .

Then you can either do

sqlite3 notes.db .dump

if you are in a hurry or

sqlite3 notes.db 'select text from items'

for just all the text or

sqlite3 notes.db 'select text from items where note=5'

for the text of a given note (hint: use .dump first to get the note number).

(Debian package name 'sqlite3')



  • Limited markup in items (has to be enabled via the “Settings” menu):
    • *...*” for bold
    • ~...~” for italics
    • _..._” for
    • #...#” for mono-spaced
    • **”, “~~”, “__”, “##” serve as escapes, yielding the markup character literally
  • added an items list transformation deleting all checked items
  • all items list transformations now prompt for confirmation
  • changed long-tapping “Add item” to add an item after the currently-selected item rather than at the very end of the list
  • modified the long-tapping behavior of lists' up/down arrow buttons; quoting the in-program help (you will have to re-generate the helpful notes via “Help” in the main menu for existing installs):
Long-tap up/down arrows to jump to the top/bottom of the current page. This works in both the list of notes and when viewing an individual note, and even when reordering items. If the top-/bottom-most note/item is already selected when long-tapping the up/down arrow, respectively, the top-/bottom-most note/item on the previous/next page will be selected, which enables speedier paging (if done repeatedly).
  • Made the pagination dots look more like those in B&N's apps
  • various minor fixes


  • feature: string replacements; quoting the in-program help (you will have to re-generate the helpful notes via “Help” in the main menu for existing installs):
You can have nookNotes replace certain sequences of characters on input; replacements can be toggled in the “Settings” sub-menu of the main menu. “Replace umlauts on input” will replace transliterations of German umlauts, i.e., “Ae” → “Ä”, “ae” → “ä”, …, “sz” → “ß”. “Replace symbols on input” will perform the following replacements: “->” → “→”, “--” → “―”. If a replacement is unwanted in a given situation, press backspace once immediately after in order to revert it.
  • minor fixes (more notably: inserting items above the selection in fact inserted two above) and improvements (when deleting a note, its title is now quoted in the confirmation message)
  • optimizations of the layouting involved in viewing notes (caching of items' heights) and of the way the “pagination dots” are handled
  • “Edit note title” now is “Rename note”
  • the app title displayed on the status bar now is “nookNotes” instead of just “Notes”


  • minor fixes


  • (initial release)


Here is the icon for launcher:

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