Congratulations to Cicadaman & co. for getting Froyo running on the Nook Color! Visit the nook Color portal!
See Rooting new hardware FIRST if you have a nook original with a 1003* serial# or above.


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Curious, why the papers on PCB? Has some BN paper or action caused need for anonymous nook guts? Is your nook name on all the papered parts? Did you try nook with a copy of original SD installed? Is there any indication a SD copy would work after BN sends an update that removes root ability?

A1: these are the serial number, IMEI number, other things that would make the nook easily identifiable. they were removed as a precaution

Question: Could the Sierra Wireless MC8777V be taken out of the Nook and placed into a laptop to provide "free" 3G internet access on the new device? If so, would this work on all OS's Windows/Linux/Mac/Chrome/etc.?

In theory, this is a possibility; it would need to be accompanied by the SIM card itself. We also have no way of knowing or predicting what B&N would do/does do to authenticate/manage non-authorized network access. Handshakes/data-limits, etc. The moral implications aside; network abuse under the terms, would most certainly be illegal. This topic has been discussed thoroughly already on several other sites, and (IMO) abusing data programs shouldn't be the focus of Nook Dev. Though, I can't speak for others.

As for the OS question, my best bet would be Linux first, then other OS' to follow. I would rather not have it happen at all.


I would like to reiterate the second part of the first question, can a copy of the "internal" microSD be used (I would guess yes) and if so would it support a larger capacity with the third partition increased? IIRC the SDHC spec maxes out at 32GB so a fully maxed out nook might be able to have just under 64GB of usable storage. Of course it might only be a firmware update to support SDXC, so 4TB is not outside the realm of possibility...


Well... I see the answer to this is over in Reversing :( doesn't look like the internal card is swap-able (yet?)


Teardown Photos

section Teardown Photos doesnt make much sense. it looks like a copy+paste with no regard for actual pictures.... I think it should be reworked or removed. -- Spec 15:45, 23 April 2010 (PDT)

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