Congratulations to Cicadaman & co. for getting Froyo running on the Nook Color! Visit the nook Color portal!
See Rooting new hardware FIRST if you have a nook original with a 1003* serial# or above.


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VNC is needed to control input of some apps and to choose a default loader.


androidvncserver is already included in Softrooted images 1.2 and higher, if your device was softrooted using a slipstreamed image from the guide, connect to your nook with adb:

adb connect NOOKIP:5555

and run it in an adb shell using:

/system/bin/androidvncserver -k /dev/input/mice &

If not:

  1. Download androidvncserver from
  2. In terminal run:
adb push androidvncserver /data
adb shell chmod 755 /data/androidvncserver
adb shell
/data/androidvncserver -k /dev/input/mice &

Now just open your favorite VNC client and connect to NOOK_IP:5901


  • It is a good idea to install WiFi Locker before trying to connect with your Nook for a prolonged period of time. From that application, "Lock Wi-Fi," "Keep Touchscreen On", and "Disable ScreenSaver" for a (hopefully) uninterrupted remote connection.
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