Congratulations to Cicadaman & co. for getting Froyo running on the Nook Color! Visit the nook Color portal!
See Rooting new hardware FIRST if you have a nook original with a 1003* serial# or above.

Application Directory

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Some of these apps may require a MicroSDHC or VNC installed to function correctly.

Want to submit your own applications? Look into it on the Submitting applications page.

Information about installing and running apps can be found on the Apps Page



Title Description Author Current Version Special Requirement
Busybox nook-specific busybox. nookDevs/Busybox team
Scripting Android scripting for nook. User:Matthewfl
NookLibrary App to browse, sort & search local books. 0.1.3
Nook WiFi Locker Simple app to lock the wifi. 0.0.4
NookTaskManager Task Manager for the nook poutine/BenB 0.0.3
Nooklets Platform for HTML/Javascript Apps rev 3
Nook File Manager App to browse the filesystem 0.0.5
Nook Application Manager Launch and uninstall applications. Bo
NookMarket App to browse,install/uninstall apps. User:Hari 0.0.3
Dropbear Dropbear is a relatively small SSH 2 server and client. Tercel 1.0

Media player

Title Description Author Current Version Special Requirement
Pandora Pandora... for the nook Pandora VNC
nookMedia Media Player for the nook craftycoder


Title Description Author Current Version Special Requirement
FBReaderJ FBReaderJ for Nook (support fb2 books) FBReaderJ Modified (nooklibrary-fb2)
APDFViewer Alternate PDF viewer with zoom & landscape mode options. Hari 0.0.3
gReader Google Reader app for the nook Zastrowm 1.0 beta List


Title Description Author Current Version Special Requirement
nookBrowser a webbrowser made for the nook! hari_ 0.0.9
Trook Download books from Stanza catalogs or OPDS content and general feed reader rev 68
Twook Post on Twitter and read the public timeline, home timeline and replies. unchiujar,dpw13 rev 0.0.8
antivirus Antivirus for nook eReaders, scans for apps , media , ebooks , content and systems, protect from Malware , bad files and viruses, send feedbacks to [] droidSecurity Beta 2.2


Title Description Author Current Version Special Requirement
nooklauncher nook optimized Android Launcher , , 0.1.0 Launcher Launcher with excelent icons Korshakov Stepan (aka Ex3NDR), Sasha Nilov 1.5.3


Title Description Author Current Version Special Requirement
nookNotes A simple note-taking application. Marco (curio) 0.7.1
FileSelector File Selector utility. Used by Crossword app to select puzzles to open. Can be used in other apps as well. Hari, Kevin 1.0
NookSee A simple image browser for nook. Kelvin 1.5
NookZhuyingIME A chinese input method for nook. Kelvin 1.0


Title Description Author Current Version Special Requirement
Hangman The classical hangman game made exclusively for the nook. User:Atomix 0.5.4
Currency converter A simple currency converter tool, supports multi-conversion. User:Atomix 0.3
Timer A simple countdown timer that plays one of three mp3 files when finished. User:NoahY 0.1


Title Description Author Current Version Special Requirement
nookCrossword Crossword player for nook Kevin, Hari 0.0.1 FileSelector
nookMines nookMines game Kevin.vajk 0.1

PC Apps

Forgive me if this is not the right page for stuff like this. nookdevs has been a great resource for me, and would like to give my contribution in appreciation.

Not sure if this is useful... but I like to push content on to my nook from the PC without bothering with usb cords. I have created some bash code for the personal computer that will do this. Simply copy and paste it into a file. Name it and give the correct permissions and away you go. There is some configurations but that is all explained. Simply call the script and specify the files on the argument list, and all should be pushed onto the nook.

The script has the following requirements on the PC/Network

1) The PC has the android SDK installed

2) The PC must have a BASH shell running (linux, Mac, and Windows with cygwin)

3) The PC and Nook are in the same network subnet (ie same Local Area Network), not sure if adb works over NAT (routers) never really tried but I don't recommend it. I doubt the android sdk was meant for remote development.

The script has requirements on the Nook

1) Nook is turned on

2) Nook is connected to the wireless router

3) Nook has adb up and running (its been rooted)

Example of typical usage:

user:~>  file_1 file_2 /path/to/file_3
connected to
375 KB/s (62242 bytes in 0.161s)
475 KB/s (42242 bytes in 0.061s)
275 KB/s (82242 bytes in 0.261s)

Configuration notes

1) I assume you have all hacked your nook and have adb installed on your personal computer. You will need to specify the path to that in the script (see comments in the script on where to do that)

2) Make sure you edit in the IP address of your nook. Unless you like editing text files, it is a good idea to assign the nook a static IP in the DHCP server. This way the nook will always have the same IP and this script will always work.

The script:

#! /bin/bash

# Add the path to the adb tool in the quotations

# this is where the content is placed, it is the equivalent of the my documents folder
# the expansion card is simply "/sdcard/"
NOOK_HOME="/system/media/sdcard/my documents/"

# INSERT NOOK IP in the quotations below
# Assigning nook a static IP on the DHCP table is needed
# to avoid constant updating of this file every time the IP changes

# Try to connect to the device
$ADB connect $NOOK_IP

# tests to see if we are connected
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then
        exit ;

# Adds each file specified on the command line
for i in "$@" ; do
        # Note that the path name is stripped from the arguments, 
        # so any sub folders will not be copied, it will all be placed at top level
        $ADB push $i "$NOOK_HOME${i##*/}" ;

# disconnect from the device
$ADB disconnect

Some notes:

The script doesn't always work first time. It is usually problems with connecting to the device. Just try it multiple times. Ocasionally starting and stopping adb on the nook was required. Then in extreme events it requires reseting the nook wireless connection by forcing a reconnect on the nook and/or restarting the router itself.

The script is meant for any POSIX environment (ie Linux, MAC, etc.). Windows users you will have to run cygwin or something similar to use this script. Sorry, but I am a Linux man.

that's not really useful to me personally, but to add to requirements - adb needs to be running over wifi. As of late 2.4.x softroot that's disabled by default. There's samba server ported to android (i dont have url but it comes up on top in google). I think it would be more beneficial to get that running on nook. I would move it to your Talk page. --Spec 08:23, 6 December 2010 (PST)
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