Congratulations to Cicadaman & co. for getting Froyo running on the Nook Color! Visit the nook Color portal!
See Rooting new hardware FIRST if you have a nook original with a 1003* serial# or above.

Nookie Froyo: Updating the SD

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This page contains unsupported information and could cause damage if you continue!
Please note that the information on this page is unsupported and we will not be responsible for any damages or failures to your equipment. Please follow with care.

This wiki document is a work-in-progress, intended for a limited audience (for now).

Really, this is not ready for prime time. Don't do it. This is a research project.

And we're not answering questions yet. Really. Not. We'll let you know.
  • All the usual warnings apply.
  • If you go this far you had darned well ALREADY HAVE a working sd card with Nookie FroYo on it. If you don't why the heck are you reading this? Go away!
  • No, we're not going to walk you by the hand on the IRC channel, read the instructions again please. We did mention that this is not yet ready for prime time...


How to Update the Froyo SD card with new kernels or FroYo files

Updating the Kernel or Ramdisk

NOTE: This process assumes that you are running Nookie on an SDCard and are not using the internal device memory.

The kernel and ramdisk are both located in partition 1 (aka the "u-boot" partition), which is formatted as vFAT. This partition can be mounted by Windows, Mac, or Linux. You can then drag/drop your replacement uRamdisk and uImage (the kernel) right on top of the old one, and then reboot.

Updating Froyo

Updating apps

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How to:

Burning a bootable SD Card | Updating the SD | Source, Build Instructions, etc | Tips


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