NookColor: Nookie Froyo Tips
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Installing Superuser.apk and su
- Note: this is no longer required as of Nookie Froyo 0.5.6
Credit for this guide goes to this post by hharte on the xda-developer forums.
1. Download and (version or the latest version from xda-developers Forum
2. Extract the contents of the zip(s) into a temporary directory
$ unzip ~/Downloads/
3. Install the app and move the su binary over
$ adb install Superuser.apk $ adb push su /data/local/
4. Shell into your nook using adb and copy the su binary into the correct directory
$ adb shell # cd /system/bin # mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system # cat /data/local/su > su # chmod 6755 su # ls -l su -rwsr-sr-x root root 26264 2010-12-22 10:27 su #
Installing Busybox
See here.
- Note: this is no longer required as of Nookie Froyo 0.5.6
Note: replace mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system with mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system
3rd-Party App support
Google Apps
Make sure wireless is set up and working before installing Google Apps. Otherwise you'll be stuck in the setup wizard upon reboot. If you do get stuck, and adb is working, just remove SetupWizard.apk, then configure wireless. When wireless is working, you can restore and re-run the SetupWizard.apk. You do not have to reboot between these steps.
To enable most Google Apps, download this zip file and unzip it to your computer. Copy the entire system directory to the /system directory on the Nook.
$ adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system $ adb push "PathToUnzippedGoogleApps\system" system/ $ adb reboot
You can then use the account configuration wizard to setup your Google accounts.
Location Based Market Apps
If you find yourself unable to search for Apps in the Market that are location based, for example Weatherbug or Tweetdeck, try the following procedure.
Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications -> All -> Market Clear Cache then Force Stop -- DO NOT clear data Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications -> All -> Google Services Framework Clear data then Force Stop Reboot
After the device is back online, try searching for the apps again.
Once you install your Google apps, YouTube will be installed, but not work (it force closes). Replace the /system/app/YouTube.apk with this version. Place the downloaded file in the same directory as your adb.exe
$ adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system $ adb push signed_YouTube.apk /system/app/YouTube.apk
No need to reboot, it will just work.
Adobe Flash
To enable Adobe Flash, install this apk file. (credit goes to xda-developer member: xwint3rxmut3x)
- Note: this is no longer required as of Nookie Froyo 0.6.6
Download the most current version of SoftKeys from XDA Developers or from the Market.
See here for an example how to set this up.
Remapping Volume Buttons to MENU and BACK Buttons
This is a temporary solution to not having these two major keys
$ adb pull /system/usr/keylayout
Then, edit both of these files: TWL4030-Keypad.kl and qwerty.kl in your favorite text editor. I used Notepad++ On both files, replace 'VOLUME_DOWN' with 'MENU' and 'VOLUME_UP' with 'BACK'
$ adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system $ adb push TWL4030-Keypad.kl /system/usr/keylayout/TWL4030-Keypad.kl $ adb push qwerty.kl /system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl $ adb shell # cd /system/usr/keylayout # chmod 644 TWL4030-Keypad.kl # chmod 644 qwerty.kl # reboot
Removing Cell Standby Battery Usage
- Note: this is no longer required in Nookie Froyo 0.6.6 but is back in 0.6.7.
Since the phone services are still part of this ROM, they consume a large portion of the battery while the device is in Standby mode. In order to eliminate these services you must remove three files. There are two things you must be aware of when doing this.
1. You will not be able to utilize the Settings -> About Phone -> Status screen as it will force close.
2. As soon as you delete the Phone.apk as described below, you will enter a Force Close loop, so you will have to force a shutdown of the device by holding the power button down until it shuts off.
$ adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system $ adb shell rm /system/app/Mms.apk $ adb shell rm /system/app/TelephonyProvider.apk $ adb shell rm /system/app/Phone.apk
Overclock [100% untested on this system]
A quick diff is available for changes to the kernel source. Trying this is especially risky and has NOT been tested w/froyo at all, and only with eclair and with the unmodified original nook kernel. According to "occip" however, w/eclair this drops voltage 20% (which may save battery) while simultaneously overclocking up to 1.15Ghz.
Other Tips
Access Protected market apps
Are you missing protected market apps? Change the fingerprint on build.prop.
$ adb pull /system/build.prop
Open the file with a Linux friendly editor (Notepad++ for the Windows users). Find the line starting with and change the whole line to
$ adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system $ adb push build.prop system/ $ adb shell mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system
Now clear the Market cache and reboot.
Settings -> Manage Applications -> All -> Market Clear Cache then Force Stop -- DO NOT clear data Settings -> Manage Applications -> All -> Google Services Framework Clear data then Force Stop Reboot
Stop the nook from sleeping every minute
Go to Settings -> Display -> Screen Timeout and change to something really long.
Also, you may find it useful to
Go to Settings -> Wireless -> Wireless settings -> Menu Key and then change the wireless behavior so that it doesn't go off when plugged in.
Turn on Compatibility Mode for apps that don't use the entire screen
Go to Spare Parts -> Compatibility Mode. Uncheck it and restart for more full-sized windows.
Remount /system as rw
The adb command "adb remount" is not yet working. Try mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system from the shell instead
(If you are running Nookie Froyo on the built-in emmc, try mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system)
Attempt to fix slow touchscreen responses
The biggest improvement to touchscreen response comes from re-mounting the internal EMMC cache partition. This is described by this post on xda-developers: [1]
- Note: this is no longer required as of Nookie Froyo 0.5.8
mount -o remount,rw / mkdir /mnt/emmc-cache mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p7 /mnt/emmc-cache mkdir -p /mnt/emmc-cache/nf rm /cache ln -s /mnt/emmc-cache/nf /cache mount -o remount,ro /
This must be re-applied on every boot in Nookie Froyo before 0.5.8.
You can also try recalibrating the screen: recalibrating
Also go into Settings->Sound and turn off haptic feedback. This has been reported to make a big difference.
Also try touching for a few moments longer rather than multiple times. Don't break your screen by punching it with your finger!
Set the timezone
Go to Settings -> Date & Time and uncheck Automatic.
Next press Select time zone and choose the correct timezone.
Finally recheck Automatic.