User talk:Naerymdan
From nookDevs
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So far 2 people came out with not being able to go back to 1.4.X. If you are happy on rooted 1.4.X or absolutely need your Nook to be rooted right now, do not upgrade. Why take the chance?
If you do not really need to be rooted, can wait till a method to root 1.5 directly is available, really need the 1.5 features or trust that the reverting will bring you back to 1.4.X in case of a problem, then go ahead! :)
This article is for Nooks with:
- Serials # greater than 10031
- Pre-loaded with firmware version 1.4.1, 1.4.2 or 1.4.3
- Currently on any firmware revision (1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.5.0)
There is basically 4 steps:
- Downgrade from 1.5 to stock firmware (the firmware your nook originally came with) At least 1 user's Nook did not actually downgrade to 1.4.X but stayed on 1.5 with this method. Use only to go from official non-rooted 1.5 to rootable 1.4.X, not as a confirmed way of going back and forth between 1.5 and 1.4. This is not actually necesary: just run the other steps on your Nook with 1.5 firmware (tested on Nook Wifi with S/N 100356x).
- Root your nook (Means get the ADB daemon inside your nook running)
- Install means of controlling the ADB daemon (nooklauncher and Nook WiFi Locker)
- Update to 1.5
Downgrade from 1.5 to stock firmware
Disregard this step if you are on 1.4.X firmware
- Remove your account attached to the device.
- Make sure you have no possible wifi connection
- Unplug wireless router
- Remove password to wifi connections (factory reset is nice for that)
- Run far from public access points (wifi without passwords)
- Do a Hard Reset
- Hold the power button for 12 seconds, release for 1 second and repeat 6 times
- On the 4th second the screen will flash from white to black (or just become black and then darker and darker each time)
- With a wireless connection, it would just connect to B&N and apply 1.5 again
- Hold the power button for 12 seconds, release for 1 second and repeat 6 times
- Press the power button once to start the fallback process
- Wait for your Nook to re-install it's own system again
- Enjoy your 1.4.X nook
Root your nook
Disregard this step if your 1.4.X Nook is already rooted
Do not completely remove /system/app/FirmwareUpdateService.apk since we need it later on. Rename it instead:
mv /system/app/FirmwareUpdateService.apk /system/app/FirmwareUpdateService.backup
Use one of the following method:
- Applying with Details / Original post - Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
- Alternative No Router method
Rooting means you have the ADB daemon started on your nook and you can connect to you nook from your computer with the Android SDK's.
You might also be interested to make the ADB daemon start from the rc file:
- Pull the current rc file from your Nook
adb pull /init.rc init.rc
- In a text editor, Change the section about adb from "disable" to "enable" in the init.rc file
- Push the file back into the Nook
adb push init.rc /init.rc
Install means of controlling the ADB daemon
Before updating to 1.5, we need to make sure we will still be able to start the ADB daemon inside our nook.
- Install a new launcher (Nooklauncher or Mynook.ru_Launcher)
- Download Nooklauncher from
- Put it somewhere you will remember
- Connect ADB to your nook
adb connect NOOK_IP:5555
- Install the application
adb install nookLauncher.apk
- Pull the packages file
adb pull /data/system/packages.xml packages.xml
- Use a text editor to open the packages.xml file and add the following directly after the
- Push the packages.xml file back into the Nook to make the new launcher default
adb push packages.xml /data/system/packages.xml
- Push the packages.xml file back into the Nook to make the new launcher default
- Install a ADB controller (Nook_WiFi_Locker)
- Download Nook_WiFi_Locker from
- Put it somewhere you will remember
- Connect ADB to your nook if needed
adb connect NOOK_IP:5555
- Install the application
adb install nookWifiLocker.apk
- Restart you Nook
- The lower color screen should now show the new launcher we just installed
- Add the Nook_WiFi_Locker icon to your launcher
- Go in LauncherSettings or press and hold an icon
- Press the + sign
- Find the Nook_WiFi_Locker in the list and press it's + sign
- Press the < sign a couple times
- Try out your newly accessible Nook_WiFi_Locker
-PhoenixSoftware Telling Me Access Denied To THis Part Also Telling Me Access Denied To Init,rc
Update to 1.5
- Re-enable the B&N automatic updating (if you had only renamed it)
- Connect from your computer
adb connect NOOK_IP:5555
- Get a shell on your Nook
adb shell
- Rename the updating service
mv /system/app/FirmwareUpdateService.backup /system/app/FirmwareUpdateService.apk
- Restart your Nook
- Connect from your computer
- Update to 1.5
- Go in the "my library" aplication
- Press "Check for new B&N content"
- Wait for the update to download and install, making you Nook restart a couple times
- Restart your Nook yourself once more
- Disable the automatic updates again
- Go in the Nook_WiFi_Locker application
- Press Start/Stop adb at least once so that it reads "stop adb"
- Connect from your computer
adb connect NOOK_IP:5555
- Get a shell on your Nook
adb shell
- Rename the updating service
mv /system/app/FirmwareUpdateService.apk /system/app/FirmwareUpdateService.backup
- Restart Nook
- ???
Once you are safely rooted on your 1.5 Nook, some thihngs might be of interest to you:
Reduce battery consumption
- Stop the ADB Daemon from starting with the Nook and running in the background (we can always start it up from Nook_WiFi_Locker
- Pull the current rc file from your Nook
adb pull /init.rc init.rc
- In a text editor, Change the section about adb from "enable" to "disable" in the init.rc file
- Push the file back into the Nook
adb push init.rc /init.rc
- Pull the current rc file from your Nook
Easy application install and update
- Install the NookMarket application
- Download NookMarket from
- Put it somewhere you will remember
- Connect ADB to your nook if needed
adb connect NOOK_IP:5555
- Install the application
adb install nookMarket.apk
- Give permissions to install non-official applications
- Get a shell on your Nook
adb shell
- Start a SQLite session on the right file
sqlite3 /data/data/
- Enable non-official applications
update secure set value=1 where name='install_non_market_apps';
- Exit this SQLite session
- Exit the Nook shell
- Get a shell on your Nook
- Replace the NookMarket updating functionality by uninstall-then-install (update only supported in softroot for old hardware)
- Plug you Nook in you computer via USB
- Create a file named market.xml directly on your Nook storage with the following inside
Suggested supplementary applications
- NookLibrary - Much nicer than the default 'my library' from B&N (also install NookSync to be able to delete B&N books from NookLibrary)
- Trook - Marvelous OPDS reader that can connect via wifi to your Calibre installation and browse and download books in one click
- uberjuice - Downgrading method
- cdump - DNS rooting
- Tommy - Readable tutorial for rooting
- Skwerl23 - Method without router
- naerymdan - Readable 1.5 root tutorial
F.A.Q to this process
- I already have a rooted nook with launcher(with option to select launcher or fw 1.4.3 launcher) & wi-fi Lock installed. Does this process is the same for this setup? I just have to install 1.5 fw?
- The main point is that you have access to starting and stopping ADB inside your Nook. If is you custom default launcher and has access to WifiLocker to start ADB, you should be safe in ungrading to 1.5. I would suggest making sure that the way is default on your Nook is also by editing the /data/system/packages.xml packages.xml file. You can just pull it and check for something that resemble the addition for nooklauncher, but used for If you are successful, please tell us.
- OK... If you have launcher installed,in a rooted nook with new hardware, then all you have to do is update the firmware. The code included is just for nooklauncher. Yoy will retain the rooted status with all new firmware benefits. Everything worked perfect.